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H NMR Spectroscopy and Interpretation: Simply put
19 January 2021
NMR and Deutrated Solvents

H NMR Spectroscopy and Interpretation: Simply put

Hydrogen NMR spectroscopy provides valuable information about the structure of a compound and is key to obtaining this information in how to interpret and analyze the NMR spectrum.

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What is Deuterium depleted Water(lighte water)? Is deuterium depleted water good for your body?
10 January 2021
Deuterium Depleted Water - Light Water

What is Deuterium depleted Water(lighte water)? Is deuterium depleted water good for your body?

Deuterium depleted water or light water is water that has a lower concentration of deuterium than usual. Deuterium is a heavier isotope of hydrogen that has a neutron next to a proton that doubles the mass of the hydrogen atom

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What is heavy water (Deuterium Oxide) ?  | Definition, Formula, Preparation
06 January 2021
NMR and Deutrated Solvents

What is heavy water (Deuterium Oxide) ? | Definition, Formula, Preparation

Heavy water, in simple terms, is water whose hydrogen molecules are exchanged with deuterium (the heavy hydrogen isotope).

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Stable Isotope Analysis Laboratory of Mesbah Energy Company
03 January 2021
Stable Isotope Analysis

Stable Isotope Analysis Laboratory of Mesbah Energy Company

Mesbah Energy Company, as a manufacturer of stable isotopes in the country, has provided stable isotope analysis services such as D / H, 16O / 18O, etc. to experts in this field.

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Stable isotope and What is stable isotope analysis?
29 December 2020
Stable Isotope Analysis

Stable isotope and What is stable isotope analysis?

Stable isotope analysis has a lengthy application history in the fields of biology, ecology, and geology but its application in forensic investigations is relatively new

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What are the solvents used in NMR? What is the Deuterated solvent?
27 December 2020
NMR and Deutrated Solvents

What are the solvents used in NMR? What is the Deuterated solvent?

Deuterated solvents are used to identify new synthetic compounds using NMR analysis. Deuterated chloroform, Deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide, and heavy water are the most important of these solvents.

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What is the NMR? NMR basic knowledge & Application
23 December 2020
NMR and Deutrated Solvents

What is the NMR? NMR basic knowledge & Application

This method is used to study and determine the structure of the composition of materials or chemical synthesis. The NMR analysis is more effective than other molecular spectroscopy methods

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16 July 2020
Stable Isotope Analysis


Stable isotope analysis brings unique insight into the origin of an unknown sample. By interrogating the minuscule variations in the relative abundance of the stable isotopes of the light organic elements, a unique and hidden signature can be discovered.

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" Applications of deuterium oxide (D2O ) " " What is deuterium oxide? "
12 December 2019
Application of deuterium isotope

" Applications of deuterium oxide (D2O ) " " What is deuterium oxide? "

Isotopes are the atoms of the same element that differ in atomic mass, due to the difference in the number of neutrons contained in the atom’s nuclei.

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